Book Reviews for Seventy Thousand Camels - A Motivational Survivor's Memoir

What a compelling read! This book draws you in with the relatability of the everyday happenings. The style of writing is conducive to keeping you entertained long after everyone else has gone to bed.
What a fabulous insight into so many different facets of a single life lived. Do yourself a favour and have a read.

by Jac F

I just finished your book and WOW, words just escape me....
I couldn’t put it down.
This book is powerful, inspiring and a testament to an incredibly beautiful soul.
You are so brave to have so honestly bared your life, faults and all. This is a real life portrayed not downplaying the mistakes we all make but often pretend didn’t happen.
I hope you continue to keep only the positive people around you and can let go of all the negative influences from the past.
Congratulations on a fabulously gripping, eloquent and well written book
You should be really proud!

by Colleen Macks

WOW what a fabulous book I could not put it down, such a sad journey, you are an inspiration for a lot of woman out there.I highly recommend people to buy this book you will not be disappointed, Angelica I wish you all the best for the future. Thankyou for sharing your journey with me. x

by Jan Parente

I came across the author and this book by coincidence. At the age of 47, two weeks ago and after 40 years of varied traumas minor and major and despite many mental health practitioners and medication , one psychiatrist put names to my behaviours and off I went. As I journeyed through this book , I continually knew the feelings and indeed situations ( wedding day etc) and I cannot describe how I just released so much confusion and feelings of being weird. I also met a wonderful man ten years ago and I just self sabotaged it, and the last three years i have been chronically depressed, anxious and agoraphobic. He is still by my side. I have read a few self help books recently but your story and journey has been so beneficial to me. Please know your story has helped this one person's journey.

by Kylie H

Angelica's book is a heart wrenching raw true story of her traumas in her life from her childhood onto her adult years. She speaks of her highs and lows through her life , her children, her marriages and finally finding true love and happiness with her handsome caring loving husband Adam. A story which is hard to discuss to the whole world. Well done Angelina.
Thank you for being my friend

by Diana Roberts

Most incredible story. Emotionally raw and touches you on a personal note. For one woman to experience so much hardship and come out a survivor is not only a miracle but an inspiration. Couldn't put this book down, I laughed, I cried but bottom line is I enjoyed every line of it.

by Sharon Schofield

“You’ll have to read the book!” was Adel’s answer to my question of what ‘Seventy Thousand Camels’ signified— and when the book appeared in due course, I felt how apt the title was, both for the candid way it told of events in Adel’s life’s story [which often made her doubt her personal ‘worth’] and for the courage she has had to write of these things.
The book is an interesting warts and all account and makes a sad-read, with its first-hand descriptions of various mistreatments by family-members, and people in positions of trust, all with such resultant, long-lasting consequences.
But I felt Adel’s honesty as well, which throughout the book extends to self-chastening, and admitting and asking for our understanding instead of judgment, despite her many set-backs along the way.
And because the writer’s own early experiences of alienation and abuse result in empathy for those who have been, or are being similarly mistreated, Adel acted with acceptance, humor, compassion and love, and in the best interests of those whom she met and professionally cared for, in her recent work as an Officer within the Prison system, knowing that this is what will help bring about any rehabilitation.
I pray that she will know a complete and healing closure to her personal situation— to be able to forgive the past and to leave any judgment to a Higher Power and thus be able to move on in the strength of the new and capable person whom she has become.

by Susanne Shearer

An excellent book, so gripping. Amazing how the author came out the other side at the end. It's good to read a book so similar to your self/life. Loved it. Best autobiography I've ever read.

by Gemma Morrissey

Angelica's "Seventy Thousand Camels" is her first book. It is a long story telling of her troublesome life.
The many wrongs of this harsh life, that of her work life and personal life. The way life has treated her, the search for her true self and finding the love of her life.
She is a loving deep friend of mine whom has helped me out in my own life to find myself. I am comforted knowing more about myself through reading her story and getting to know her more.
I do hope that you find her and her story a sense of comfort too.

by Dwaine Nethery

Adel I have read your book "Seventy Thousand and Camels" and found the read impressive about your personal story, courage against the odds and the quality of writing. l couldn't put the book down; terrific read.

by Margaret Williams

I found Seventy Thousand Camels to be a thought provoking & insightful read. It was impactful, raw & taught me about resilience & perseverance. A book about hard truths & survival.

by Tanya K

I love Seventy Thousand Camels. It is a book, that once I get a chance to pick it up, it is hard to put down. Work and family are the only things stopping me from reading it in one sitting.
You have had a tough life, but have come through with flying colours. You now have the love of your soulmate. I am unsure if I want to call you inspirational, as I know you would admit, you had made some mistakes. Your pursuit of love, as described in your book, lead to you almost killing someone! You were not being loved by those who were supposed to love you and those that said they did.
You have wonderful 'kids', husband and friends (fur babies incl.), who have helped you up to where you should be. We all want to be loved and to be able to give love.
As I said, 'inspiration' is not the word, but 'admiration' is.
You and Adam are doing a great job with Edan and his struggles. I applaud you for that.

by Michael Branson

I met Angelica randomly, online a few years ago. We had a mutual friend. Her comments intrigued me. She was by far the smartest person I'd met and I'm a qualified school teacher. From that chance encounter we became firm long distance friends. I must admit that at first, I only persevered with the book to find out the meaning behind the title. Once into it however, I was hooked. Friends would say, "How's that girl's book?" I described it as a 'soapy for the thinking person'. It is of course much deeper than that. Angelica was a scared, little girl, searching for love and acceptance. I was never one for 'flowery writing and Angelica tells it like it is, warts and all, so she had me on board straight away. Hopefully the process of confronting her childhood demons was cathartic for Angelica, and as a mature adult, she has finally realised her true 'authentic self. With the help of her 'Earth Angel', she should now be confident that she's worth way more than "Seventy Thousand Camels"! To those of us who love and respect her - she's priceless!

by Amanda Ferguson

This book is certainly a story of an incredible journey by a woman who overcame so many challenges in her life which gave her the strength to reach the point of where her life is today. It was inspiring and reminds us that we can overcome situations if we have the determination too.
I enjoyed reading it and glad that she has found peace in her life.

by Sue White

I came to this review not just as a reader of another book, but as someone who has come to know the author through our interactions at a writers group. Writing reveals a lot about people, perhaps too much, and it is perhaps too revealing of oneself. Fatalism seems to be a major factor in this book. Angelica gives the impression things are unchangeable but I think your choices in life determine who you become, and setting a pre-ordained course is surely restrictive and fatalistic. I found the book depressing in content but it's therapeutic value to the author is inestimable. I found the swear words and hard language difficult to understand and wondered whether it is an Italian thing, a Corrections thing, or merely used to keep the reader upon his or her toes, or perhaps a sign of frustration. Better explanation of your metaphysical position would help the reader. The autobiography is a no holds barred expose of Angelica's life and what made her who she is.

by Marcus R

I must admit this book was heavy reading at times. Angelica has given an honest and raw account of her life so far. Hard to imagine a young girl being so mistreated by her own family members, setting her up for almost certain failure in her adult life. I was pleased that the author seems to have mostly overcome the demons of her past and appears to be in a happy and loving place with her own children and husband Adam. Perhaps, love does conquer all?

by Kathryn S

As an unwanted child this is a brutally honest assessment of a woman`s search for her true identity and true love. The complicated twists and turns in her life, as she searches, is told in a forthright manner which tends to leave the reader feeling slightly distressed, only to be uplifted by the positive ending.

by Marian Potter

Reading this book was not my normal choice of a book which I hate to say, I almost threw out into the bin. However, as I persisted to read on, it opened my eyes, realizing this was a true story of someone's life. Angelica's life! At times I identified with Angelica's struggles - some being similar to what I have experienced in my own life. In a world of great need, we are all searching for faith, hope, and love to face the challenges of discovering who we are and why we are here, Thank you for your honesty Angelica. May your journey of discovery continue.

by Carol Reich

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. For the author to bare all was really brave and even up to the end she was still honest about working day to day to help herself. The book had a great flow and it was hard to put down. I wish her all the best on her journey.

by Lesa

This is the story of a life lived with its achievements and hardships, sweetness and bitterness. Told by the survivor, the story unfolds in a fascinating way to reach out to readers, and makes for an interesting book.

by Ruth Friend

A great autobiography that’s very raw, I cried and laughed have recommended to all my reading friends.

by Lucy Fry

Did you have some support with editing? If not you were born as a very talented writer. Even with some support you did a great job. The way you describe yourself and your life is fascinating and also shows why you live your life as you do.
Your problem might be that your resolutions aren't always logical and sometimes overdue as well but do not last very long. I guess that might be a reason why your life will remain "rich in variety". That is my personal opinion only. It is not my intention to offend or insult you.

by Jens Lindemann

This Memoir is soul revealing and shows the tenacity required to overcome what appear to
be overwhelming life obstacles, Certainly insightful. Different comments and observations made by the Author over a few years association have been very firmly put into context." (and I can only hope for the discovery of the true everlasting peace for you).

by Fiona Wortley

Facing personal challenges throughout life Angelica's book is a story of strength, resilience, and finding her way. A great read.

by Tania Paul - Library Manager

A very emotionally charged and compelling autobiography. No truer an example of "the light at the end of the tunnel" even if that tunnel was so long. I believe this book is an inspiration to anyone who has gone through any kind of trauma that if you can remain resilient, good things will come to you eventually.

by Kris G

Just finished it yesterday a very detailed read about your life’s journey from birth for your first 50 odd years . Highs and lows so many familiar moments for me having been at primary school when we met . You survived where others would have fell , you raised above and begun a new happy life for the next 50 years . Just promise me you will live for the future not dwell on the past as Adam sounds like a wonderful man that deserves happiness nothing less.

by Leanne Martz

What a gripping read exciting and so interesting from start to finish, I couldn't put it down what a great read what a lady, wow.

by Jan B

What a strong story by a strong woman! Thanks for sharing your life and give thoughtful insights of what can happen in peoples lives. You have no idea! Well worth reading.

by Lotta T ( Sweden)

Irresistibly well written, this book leads the reader through a kaleidoscope of a rich and spirited life. Written without a trace of indulgence in self pity, Seventy Thousand Camels allows the reader to share in the many steps, stumbles, and leaps taken as the author journeys to wholeness. From the top of the mountain to the darkest depths of a valley, nothing is held back. You the reader, will maybe cry, laugh, or even gasp. It could be said many of the horrors should not have happenedto this sweet child - then adult, yet, as I finished reading the book, it was clear that this path taken has resulted in a resilient, compassionate, and precious person. Bon Courage A.A. Brewer!

by Yvonn Wilson

Seventy Thousand Camels is a very detailed, confronting and moving account of Angelica’s life.

She has been very brave baring all for the reader so that we really get to know her intimately. Many parts of her life have been very intense and traumatic but she continually tries to escape from these events which is a testament to her resilience and desire to be a better person.

Angelica’s command of the English language and her references to historical events and literature show she is an intelligent lady.

It is a book that you don’t want to put down, not only to find out the reference to the title but also because you want to find out how she survives and overcomes all the obstacles and abuse.

It is not just a self help or motivational story but an honest account of one persons journey brought up in two different cultures and dealing with mistreatment and neglect.

by Mary Hill - Sydney

We have much to learn from Angelica Brewer’s life story. An imprisoned soul finds freedom. Love sustains. Care redeems. It’s a big story and a big comfort. We learn about survival and spirit in a compelling book.

by Peter Goers OAM, The Evening Show ABC Radio Adelaide

Seventy Thousand Camels was a heartwarming and very heartfelt story. A recommended read. I couldn’t put it down.

by Amanda S

A compelling life story spanning two continents and intergenerational cultural and societal dynamics featuring a diverse cast of characters from narcissists through to real life heros. Angelica’s life is a resilient journey through depression, spirituality, friendship, and kindness, viewed through a lens of mental health and imbedded family trauma. Seventy Thousand Camels sees a survivor emerging from the other end of the voyage and pondering, is there more to it than this?

by Frederick Harris

Seventy Thousand Camels is a fascinating account of a life that was greatly affected by trauma from a young age. This book gives us a valuable observer view of how growing up with a narcissistic parent can skewer thought processes and hinder self-worth, as well as cause a lack of self-love that continues throughout childhood and into adulthood. It is a courageous story shared with lots of valuable life lessons gained through following the tumultuous journey of the author’s life.

by KM Chapman author of Adventure Vixen and International Vixen

The book Seventy Thousand Camels is a heartfelt and real read. The author is my dear childhood friend I now understand on a much deep level. I would highly recommend this book to everyone.

by Tricia Dawn Kennedy-Gilbert

This book has taught me so much about being strong and that we matter and can have it all, so thank you! You’re an amazing woman Angelica.

by Lisa - Barossa Valley SA

An outstanding story that moves through different stages of a timeline. Throughout that story I experienced what the main character experienced and I felt what she felt at every stage of her life. I love it when a book can emotionally reach me like that.

by Antonio Pagnani

Where to start with this extraordinary story so well written and true!

How do I know it’s true you may ask? Because I am the husband of Angelica, the honoree of the book.

I have seen the situations, experienced the many highs and lows, met the characters and lived the life alongside her for the last 14 years now, just celebrating our tenth wedding anniversary.

Although I may not have known Angelica before 2008, I feel after reading this book I know her even better than I thought previously, some good, some bad.

The way this book has been written (and lived) draws you into Angelica’s world page by page making it almost impossible to put down. You can imagine being in Rome, Adelaide or Sydney right beside her!

Travel around Australia and the world and found out the reason for Seventy Thousand Camels existing.

A great read indeed.

by Adam Brewer

I read this book in one sitting! I couldn’t put it down.

 by Robyn Scolyer - Tasmania

Wow! Just wow! 

There are life experiences, then there are the life experiences Adel shared with us in this amazing world she experienced from a very young age.

From start to finish, I cried, laughed, felt a connection with her emotions and wanted to come to her aid against the string of narcissistic "people" in her life. 

A true warrior who confronted life as it came at her at light speed, sometimes created by her, sometimes life lessons provided by the universe, it's testament to the amazing woman, healer Adel is, to have experienced what she has and be a shining example of love & light.

Thank you for sharing your story, it makes me feel I too can confront life here and now, live in the moment, not take it too seriously and be grateful for the life I have.

by Michael M - Tasmania

The story compellingly contrasts human depravity with the power of unconditional love and forgiveness. The author, a masterful storyteller, creates a tapestry of drama, intrigue, and shock, guiding readers through a personal journey that delves into the depths of fear, belief, and volatile emotions leading to self-destruction. In the depths of despair, a sense of disillusionment and loss pervades. Yet, amidst the harrowing spiritual battles, a flicker of hope remains, compelling readers to turn the pages in anticipation of the conclusion. At times, the book necessitated a pause to reflect on the evoked emotions of sadness and revulsion towards evil. Ultimately, the narrative is restorative, portraying the indomitable human spirit and resilience bestowed by an omniscient Creator.

by Jacqueline - NSW

Book Reviews for OGWADABWAH! A Life Lived on the Spectrum

Wow! I just finished Owgadabwah! In three nights. I've been happy but also shed a few tears. Well written and researched. People that have added their insights where interesting and supportive of Edan's journey. Edan has had his ups and downs but he knows his authentic self. He knows what he likes and dislikes. He has my support. I'm glad I know him and hope that there is more help with his situation. Blessed be and love.

by Dwaine Nethery

Having known Edan as a cute, loving young child it was hard to read about his and Angelica’s struggles in his later life. The book shows the emotions and struggles that not only a child, but parents go through, with a child diagnosed with various disabilities. Both Edan and Angelica have had the courage to share their journey with us, inspiring us to see beyond the disability and labels to acknowledge his abilities. It also makes us realise what a tiring, frustrating journey it has been for both Edan and Angelica. Congratulations Edan and Angelica on a wonderful collaborative account of a life lived on the spectrum!

by Mary Hill

This book takes an in-depth look into not only the lived experience of Edan and the complex challenges he has faced throughout life but at those closest to him also. I wasn't able to put the book down as it goes into Edan's older years and the intense behaviours and emotions the family have been through. A must read for those with loved ones on the spectrum!

by Steph Wheeldon - Correctional Services