Second Edition of Seventy Thousand Camels by Dr Zed Publishing Adelaide South Australia

I was informed by Troubadour UK that my contract with them was up early this year. Of course I could renew it by paying more money. No I did not wish to do so especially given they still has 294 print copies in their Leicestershire warehouse which they stated would be pulped unless I could “move them” elsewhere? Naturally I didn’t want my life story and years of hard thankless work pulped and paid an additional 2.5K to have the books shipped to Australia. They are currently sitting in my garage where I will hopefully sell them around the state by consignment, and hopefully through “author talks” I need to arrange in libraries and other forums I’ve yet to research.

I began the tireless search for another publisher here in Australia, a traditional one this time as I didn’t have another $16.000 lying around to re-launch the book myself. Dr Zed publishing answered the call of the proverbial desperate writer by accepting to meet me face to face and a few months later offered to re-release SEVENTY THOUSAND CAMELS - a motivational survivor’s memoir - as a second edition with a new ISBN and Publisher’s Logo. Can you imagine my excitement when I received the email below, and had my image featured on Dr Zed’s website under their Our Authors list?


Good news! The updated ePub has successfully been distributed to Apple and all the other ebook retailers (see attached confirmation).

Also attached is the updated ePub for your records.

Your print book and ebook has now been distributed online to all online book and ebook retailers, so please let me know if you require anything further regarding this.